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Thai Yoga Massage


Thai yoga massage it a therapeutic blend of accupressure applied along pathways through the body and deep yet gentle stretching.  This ancient healing art has evolved alongide the practise of buddhism and historivally practised and developped by monks and lay people for over 2000 years.


It is a fantastic, dynamic body workout, that enables the body to become more aware of blocked unwanted energy and assists its release within the body’s systems.

Tension, stress and injury are caused by blocked energy ‘chi/prana’ that result in negative postural patterns in our bodies. The combination of gentle rocking, stretching, rhythmic acupressure along energy lines and focused breath work encourages better circulation, opening and releasing tight muscles and letting go of rigid, unhelpful thought patterns.

Highly effective for problems ranging from sports related injuries to sleeping issues and digestive problems. 

It is performed on a futon mattress, wearing loosely fitting comfortable clothes.




Swedish Massage


Swedish massage forms the basis of many types of massage used today. It is performed on a massage bed using oil and a variety of strokes, from long smooth strokes to more localised friction and percussion techniques. This helps the release of tension deep into the tissue of tight, tired and overworked muscles and ligaments.

Swedish massage increases blood flow to the muscles and stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding the removal of toxins.

It is incredibly effective in treating muscle aches and joint pain, stressand stress related health problems.




Pregnancy Massage


During pregnancy, the woman’s body alters dramatically, causing new stresses and discomforts on her joints, muscles and inner organs. The therapeutic touch of massage during this time significantly supports and nurtures these changes.

This wonderfully vitalising massage (based on traditional Thai massage techniques) is performed with the woman lying predominantly in side position, clothed, on a futon mat.

The gentle routine is aimed specifically at helping to relieve the musculoskeletal strain and hormonal stresses of pregnancy on the mother’s body and ultimately encouraging and enabling mother (and baby) to truly relax, unwind and re-energise.




Thai Massage and Sound


Working in collaboration, this treatment combines the wonderful dance of Thai massage with the far - reaching harmonic sounds of Tibetan singing bowls & the kalimba.  A deeply relaxing experience! 




Therapeutic Herbal Thai Massage


As we let go of the summer months and start to embrace the falling leaves of Autumn, it's hard not to feel a tinge of resistance to winter.  


To help with this transition, therapeutic herbal Thai massage, offers an invigorating & profoundly relaxing effect on mind & body.  

The herbal compresses are a blend of stimulating & therapeutic traditional Thai herbs (ginger, camphor, galangal, turmeric, eucalyptus & lemongrass).


These wonderful healing, medicinal herbs are anti~inflammatory, anti~oxidant, antiseptic and very effective for alleviating chronic stress & helping with sleep problems.








Because you are alive, everything is possible.
 Thích Nhất Hạnh

​© 2013 Emma Cayless

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